hello, I’m not dead

My Wishlist
Amazon is awesome, but their wishlist has flaws. So, here’s a list of things I’ll never buy for myself, but that I want:
I keep this list up to date!
Ship to:
Casey Calvert
19360 Rinaldi St #459
Porter Ranch, CA 91326
or for digital stuff, send to caseycalvertxxx@gmail.com.
If you send me something, be sure to send me an email so I can properly thank you!
Love sex workers crop hoodie
black, size medium
Panty Sales are back on!
I’ve been meaning to do this since, like, September — I just added a bunch of new personal panty drawer items to my store! I also added a special request button – you can now request worn items without waiting for me to upload more to the store!
My fave selfie that I took for this sale:
New Items For Sale!
I just added a bunch of new clothing items to my store.
Some highlights:

These super worn VS ‘Pink’ thong panties!

The bodysuit I wore for the entire scene, from Anal Pros!

This teeny tiny pink micro bikini!
You Guys Sure Do Love My Butthole, Part 2
I’m certain I’ve mentioned before how often I get asked about my butthole. I’ve balked at answering the questions before, because even though I’d love to think the asking is morbid curiosity, I know it’s really jack-off material. And this is not the place for that.
But I surrender. You win. Persistence pays off this one time.
Last week I answered the number one most common question. Here’s the rest I have saved up.
What happens if you’re in the middle of an intense anal scene and you suddenly have to poop?
Then I stop, get up, go poop, and come back and finish the scene.
Sometimes I do get an ‘I have to poop right now’ urge during a scene. It used to flip me out. These days, I know that I don’t actually have to poop, it’s just air that got pushed up in there. Depending on the type of scene, sometimes I get up and fart off camera, sometimes I just let it out.
Would you ever do a no enema anal scene?
There is ONE scene out there that I didn’t do any prep for. I’m not telling which one.
I will admit, I know what this anon is really asking, and the answer to that is no. I don’t do scat.
What is that weird, long, tongue-like toy that I keep seeing you play with on Everything Butt, and where can I get one?
That’s a Slink, made by Squarepeg. You can get it here: https://www.squarepegtoys.com/shop/slink/
Here’s Ella Nova, my hands, and the Slink for Everything Butt:
What are your thoughts on the increasing trend of “extreme” anal practices? More specifically rosebudding. Do you see any problems with this practice, and are you concerned with any long term health effects this may cause? (referenced article: VICE A Rosebud by Any Other Name Would Smell Like Shit By Michelle Lhooq)
Hi Casey, are you working on getting that butt meat rose (aka prolapsed rectum) further out (in length) for 2016 or is what we’ve seen your limit?
I’m not one to condemn what anyone thinks is hot, and if a girl wants to prolapse, on camera or in her personal life, I’m all for it. It’s her body, and as long as she’s making an educated choice, and still feels in control of it (i.e. she’s pushing it out, rather than it just falling out), I see no problem with it. I also, of course, have no problem if that’s what you are into watching.
However, it’s just not my thing. I know you’ve seen a few small rosebuds in some of my scenes, and that’s because it happened on accident. I’m not going to work on prolapsing farther. I prefer to keep my colon inside.
After having lots of anal sex with huge penises and dildos over the years, do you have to wear diapers at this point of your life?
Nope. But if the thought of me in a diaper gets you off, then you go ahead and enjoy it.
You Guys Sure Do Love My Butthole
I’m certain I’ve mentioned before how often I get asked about my butthole. I’ve balked at answering the questions before, because even though I’d love to think the asking is morbid curiosity, I know it’s really jack-off material. And this is not the place for that.
But I surrender. You win. Persistence pays off this one time.
How do you prepare for anal?
Preface: This isn’t advice. Anal prep is as personal as a fingerprint. Feel free and use this as a guide, but only you can know what feels best for your body.
I don’t starve myself. I did at the very beginning of my career, until I realized that (1) a starving me on set is not a happy me, and (2) it wasn’t necessary anyway. So, I eat whatever I want the day before (excluding things that could dye my colon, e.g. beets, blue velvet cake, yes I speak from experience).
The morning of, I eat breakfast. My go-to is a box of organic chocolate milk and Nature’s Path pop tarts. It’s easy to eat in the car, and for whatever strange reason, it keeps me full for a really long time. That’s important, because I don’t want to eat again until after my scene. Not because I’m worried about not being clean, but because I want to make sure I’m not bloated or sleepy from eating during my scene.
I also take one Imodium. I use the multi-symptom ones, because the plain Imodium gives me bad gas. There have been a few times where I forgot to take it, and everything was fine. It just gives me peace of mind, and that’s super important when doing anal.
I only enema right before the scene. I communicate this with the director so they understand that I’ll need 15-30 min before the scene, so no one is stressed out. I use the small fleet enema bottles, dumping out the saline solution, just filling them with water. I start with two bottles full (filling up the bottle, squirting it in my ass, then repeating), and repeat that until the water comes out clean. Once the water is clean, I do a quick one bottle rinse, just to make sure everything is good. As long as that comes out clear, I count my butt as clean. Sometimes this takes 5 minutes, sometimes it takes 30.
Then, if I’m working with an exceptionally large cock, I stretch. I have some dilators from Doc Johnson that I love, and I use them. I work up to the biggest one, and keep it in until I can comfortably squeeze my butthole around it. This takes no more than 10 min. If I’m working with a “normal” size cock, I skip this step altogether.
Stretching helps remove any excess water that was trapped up in there, so if I’m not stretching, I’ll just use my fingers to hold my ass open until I can’t feel any water anymore.
And then I’m good to go.
I’ve shot so much anal now that it’s very easy for me to feel if I’m clean or not. I can’t describe the feeling though. It’s just me knowing, and trusting, my body. When I was new, this process was much more complicated because I didn’t trust my body. It just takes practice.
For at-home anal, the prep is maybe his finger going in before his cock. shrug
Next week I’ll answer more butt stuff questions. Stay tuned!
June 3rd, 2017 UPDATE: This is by far the best resource I have ever seen re: cleaning your butt. You should read it.
Why I Sell Worn Clothing
Please answer: what do you think of fans wanting to buy things (clothing, etc.) from you. Does it excite you, do you understand it, or does it creep you out? Just curious.
I’m excited about your new store, will you be selling everyday outfits in addition to the other items? Thank you.
I think everyone has their own individual arousal pattern, and sometimes that pattern includes clothing. If I can oblige them by selling my worn clothing to them, something I deem fairly harmless, and make a little money at the same time, I don’t see why not to do it. It’s a win-win. And just like making custom videos, I enjoy knowing I got someone off. I’ve gotten some spectacular emails from my panty clients telling me what they did with my worn underwear.
My most common items sold are (in this order): panties, stockings, lingerie sets, shoes. I’ve never been asked for an everyday outfit, but I’d be glad to sell it.
Don’t be shy about asking. I’ll hold a new sale soon, so comment here if you have any special requests. Or, you can always email me at caseycalvertxxx@gmail.com if you want something out-of-the-ordinary.
Store Launch!!!
Happy 2016 dear readers!
I have a big announcement to make — my store is open! Come take a look!
From now on, that’s where I’ll hold panty sales, and it’s super easy for you to order DVDs and 8×10 photos of me!
From today until Jan 21st, I’m holding an AVN sale. Order all my new inventory online before I sell it at the show – I have very limited quantities. All items are $5 off!
Everything I’m not saying re: James and Stoya
For the past week, I’ve felt like a coward. There’s been a lot of rumor and allegation going around, and I’ve chosen to stay quiet, afraid of backlash. There are too many things I’m not allowed to say.
I’m not allowed to say that I’m ashamed this is all we can talk about. I’m ashamed that I feel like I can’t say these things. I’m ashamed of the bandwagon.
I’m not allowed to say that I’m impressed by how quickly we’ve reacted, and that some important issues are being talked about, only because I also don’t believe in the court of public opinion.
I’m not allowed to say that I believe in supporting those who have been violated, and of course sex workers can be raped. I believe in speaking out, and that rapists should be punished. But I don’t believe in defamation.
I’m not allowed to say that sometimes women make shit up, as much as it kills my feminist heart.
I’m not allowed to say that I know this isn’t the first time she’s cried rape.
I’m not allowed to say that my heart is breaking for James Deen.
I’m not allowed to say that I know his breakup with Stoya was tumultuous to say the least, and he is taking the high road staying silent. But I also know the fight isn’t fair, and I will support him if it gets ugly.
I’m not allowed to say that I’ve seen a video, directed by Stoya, shot a month after they broke up, in which she breaks character, says, “stop,” and he immediately stops.
I’m not allowed to say that ostracizing every male performer who’s crossed the line with a female performer would lead to a business with no male talent. I’ve lost track of my own stories.
I’m not allowed to say that James, however, has only ever treated me with the utmost respect. He is one of the few people I still trust to top me for a rough scene, and I’m very picky now.
I’m not allowed to say that I will continue to work with him, continue to request him, continue to be excited when I hear he’s my scene partner.
I’m not allowed to say that, sure, James has done some fucked up shit. Quite a few directors have let him, even encouraged him, to be extra rough. And I know his proclivities in private life. But just because someone slaps someone, or scares them, doesn’t make them a rapist. He has a dark side, but he’s not this monster.
I’m not allowed to say that James Deen is my friend.
I’m not allowed to say that I’m not allowed to say these things.
I selfishly just want this all to go away, but it doesn’t seem like that’s happening anytime soon. I guess it doesn’t matter. I can’t say anything.
Except I just did.
For further reading, I suggest: http://therealpornwikileaks.com/industry-vet-gives-his-thoughts-on-james-deen-as-well-as-deens-accusers-updated/ and http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2015/dec/04/how-stoya-took-on-james-deen-and-broke-the-porn-industrys-silence
Dec 5th, 2:04pm EDIT: re: statement about male performers crossing the line: When I’m on set, it’s my responsibility to speak up if I am not comfortable. If I choose not to, that’s on me. Porn is a full contact sport. And yes, sometimes guys get carried away. That makes them shitty people, not abusers or rapists. There is a difference.
How I Date
More than anything else, I get asked about dating — how I date, who I date, etc. This one came from Adult DVD Talk.
I would be very interested in how far you would go on a first date with a person you have a great chemistry from the beginning on. I mean which kind of sexual passions, fetishes, whatever you wanna call it would you share with this person if mentioned or is this something you prefer to discover during the sex? Or do you for instance wait until the sex with somebody who is obviously not informed yet about your love for anal and let him that find out or is it a must for you to tell him that beforehand?
I guess, maybe, in the real world, I’m weird. But I grew up in the fetish community, and I approach dating from that perspective.
If I meet you at a bar, or really, anywhere outside of a kink event, I will flirt with you, yes. But I will never go out on a date with you, and I will never sleep with you. Why? My number one most important thing in a relationship is sexual compatibility, and I’m never going to find that in the real world. Does that make me cynical? Sure. Does that mean I’m saying there is no possibility for kinky people to connect in the real world? No.
I’m a conoissuer, a snob. I’m very picky. I’ve played with the best people in the world, and I no longer have patience for a relationship with someone who isn’t of that caliber.
But, let’s say I am on a first date with someone from the community, and we have great chemistry. Before we even get naked, we have discussed every single sexual thing we might do, in depth. We have talked about likes, dislikes, hard limits. Talked about boundaries and defined our relationship. And the first time we play, there will almost certainly be no fluid exchange. That requires an entirely separate negotiation, one that is complicated by my job, and I’m not gonna go through all that with someone I just met.
Yes, it’s not sexy, and yes, it’s not spontaneous. And yes, if I’m going to have sex with someone, they know beforehand that I enjoy anal. But that doesn’t mean they are ever gonna stick it in my butt.
I’m Casey Calvert, boner killer. But negotiation turns ME on.