Sex with Dead/ Very Old People

It’s that time again, another TRPAMAQOTANIAI.

You are required (by law..?) to have (as freaky as possible) sex with one of the following- William Shakespeare, Sigmund Freud, or Betty White? Who and why?

This is tricky, because I want to pick all three.

Betty White, just because she’s Betty White. She has lived a life. Plus, then I could say I’ve fucked someone who’s 92.

William Shakespeare, for the dirty talk, and because there are a very, very select few of you out there who truly understand how much wordsmithery turns me on.

But when it comes right down to it, I’m a kinky motherfucker, and I cannot even imagine the kind of dirtiness Sigmund Freud would come up with.

I’d even tolerate the post-coital psychoanalysis for it.


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