Monthly Archives: August 2015

Anons away!

 The following is a collection of anonymous questions, answered:

Why are you a sapiosexual person?

Because intelligence is awesome.

Hi Casey! What got you into anal play? Huge fan btw.

Honestly, my first bf didn’t wanna take my virginity, so he stuck it in my ass. I’ve been into it ever since.

Do you ever have romantic anal sex? If so, do you do it often?

Umm isn’t all anal sex romantic?

Why do you not do cream pies?

For the last time ever, because I have to save *something* for my boyfriend.

How does it feel to devoid yourself from your true essence by surrendering to parasites of evil?

My true essence is evil!!! Mwahahahahaha!


The following is a picture of a penis in my butthole, large.

Casey Calvert anal POV


Today’s Question, About Questions

Casey, what is your most and least favorite things about answering questions from your fans?

I’ll start with least. My least favorite thing is having to go through all of the bad questions to find the good ones.

For example, right now, in my inbox, there are…

3 questions on when I am going to do a creampie.

4 questions asking about if I sell custom pics/videos

6 questions with easily googleable answers.

And over 15 jerk-off fodder “questions” (ex. What are your thoughts about strap-on sex with guys? Are you into that type of stuff? from someone who has a pic of a girl fucking a guy with a strap-on as his avatar).

I really should just delete them all.

My favorite thing is when I get asked a really good question – one that makes me think, one that inspires me to write something really great. Those questions make mulling through the bad ones worth it.