Coming Out Like a Porn Star
Coming Out Like A Porn Star is out!
Earlier this year, Jiz Lee (who I think is one of the awesome-est people in the world) asked me if I would like to submit an essay for their new book, Coming Out Like A Porn Star: Essays on Pornography, Protection, and Privacy. Once I got over being starstruck, I agreed.
I’ve very proud of my essay, and you should read it. Really, the whole book is amazing. If are you a fan of pornography, and enjoy more than just cocks in assholes (i.e. you are reading my blog, so…), you’ll love it.
You can purchase it here or here.
I’d also love to hear your thoughts on it. Please feel free to write to me.
A rebuttal to “filthy”
As a rebuttal to “filthy,” When did you stop caring about what other people thought of your sexuality, and started to love yourself unashamedly?
I will cop to the fact that my answer to “filthy” was a bit snarky. Ok, a lot snarky.
Snarky is fun.
But this question, this one is actually really important. The way I love myself now is something that I’ve very proud of, because it was such a struggle for me to get here. The short answer to your question is somewhere around 21.5 years old.
The long answer, well, the long answer you can find in my essay in Coming Out Like a Porn Star: Essays on Pornography, Protection, and Privacy which you can preorder here. I think it’s one of the best pieces I’ve ever written and I cannot fucking wait for the book to come out.