You Guys Sure Do Love My Butthole, Part 2
I’m certain I’ve mentioned before how often I get asked about my butthole. I’ve balked at answering the questions before, because even though I’d love to think the asking is morbid curiosity, I know it’s really jack-off material. And this is not the place for that.
But I surrender. You win. Persistence pays off this one time.
Last week I answered the number one most common question. Here’s the rest I have saved up.
What happens if you’re in the middle of an intense anal scene and you suddenly have to poop?
Then I stop, get up, go poop, and come back and finish the scene.
Sometimes I do get an ‘I have to poop right now’ urge during a scene. It used to flip me out. These days, I know that I don’t actually have to poop, it’s just air that got pushed up in there. Depending on the type of scene, sometimes I get up and fart off camera, sometimes I just let it out.
Would you ever do a no enema anal scene?
There is ONE scene out there that I didn’t do any prep for. I’m not telling which one.
I will admit, I know what this anon is really asking, and the answer to that is no. I don’t do scat.
What is that weird, long, tongue-like toy that I keep seeing you play with on Everything Butt, and where can I get one?
That’s a Slink, made by Squarepeg. You can get it here:
Here’s Ella Nova, my hands, and the Slink for Everything Butt:
What are your thoughts on the increasing trend of “extreme” anal practices? More specifically rosebudding. Do you see any problems with this practice, and are you concerned with any long term health effects this may cause? (referenced article: VICE A Rosebud by Any Other Name Would Smell Like Shit By Michelle Lhooq)
Hi Casey, are you working on getting that butt meat rose (aka prolapsed rectum) further out (in length) for 2016 or is what we’ve seen your limit?
I’m not one to condemn what anyone thinks is hot, and if a girl wants to prolapse, on camera or in her personal life, I’m all for it. It’s her body, and as long as she’s making an educated choice, and still feels in control of it (i.e. she’s pushing it out, rather than it just falling out), I see no problem with it. I also, of course, have no problem if that’s what you are into watching.
However, it’s just not my thing. I know you’ve seen a few small rosebuds in some of my scenes, and that’s because it happened on accident. I’m not going to work on prolapsing farther. I prefer to keep my colon inside.
After having lots of anal sex with huge penises and dildos over the years, do you have to wear diapers at this point of your life?
Nope. But if the thought of me in a diaper gets you off, then you go ahead and enjoy it.