
Yay GameLink!

I’m sure you’ve heard by now — I am GameLink’s new official BDSM and fetish expert! GameLink is one of the largest e-tailers in the biz, and I am honored to work with them. So, what does this mean?

I’ll be blogging once a month on GameLink’s blog The Naked Truth. They have created Casey’s Corner just for me. My first blog is already up. I’ll also be doing promotional activities for them, as they will be for me.

The best way you can support me in this new endeavor is by purchasing your DVDs and VODs (not just of me, but for everything) from GameLink. I have an affiliate account with them, and I will get a percentage of the sale. Click the banner on the right side of your screen to access GameLink with my affiliate code (or click right here), and make sure the URL includes ref=gla4547 when you checkout.

Read the press release about this here.
